My combined experience as a clinically trained SLT, voice actor and classically trained singer means I have the skills to cultivate, heal, strengthen and protect your voice both clinically and artistically.
It’s not about making you into someone else. Your voice is unique and it’s that uniqueness that I want to draw out and share with the world!
Many actors and singers achieve extremely high levels of vocal agility and skill. However, it is not unusual for performers to encounter issues as some point in their career due to the heavy demands and expectations placed upon their voices.
Vocal technique, the challenges of a song or role, fatigue, overall fitness levels, anxiety, stress and the performance environment can all affect the voice.
You may be experiencing:
· Pain or discomfort in the larynx or surrounding areas
· The urge to cough or clear your throat
· Loss of vocal range
· Difficulty controlling pitch or volume
· Difficulty achieving the tones you want to throughout your range
· Change in tone-your voice may become husky, breathy, strained
· Loss of strength
· Vocal fatigue
· Loss of voice or voice cutting out (this may be more noticeable when trying to speak or sing quietly)
· Struggling to transition between different vocal registers
· Projection problems
· The effects of performance anxiety/nerves
· Comments or questions about changes in your voice
Voice problems can be very distressing and can potentially have an impact on confidence, performance, reputation and financial stability. It is very important to seek help from an experienced, qualified professional as soon as possible as the great majority of voice problems can be addressed effectively with speech and language therapy and vocal coaching.
I provide individual or group sessions for performers.
Group workshops are flexible and customised according to the requirements, skills and interests of your group.
Should you need to contact me for advice, rest assured that you will be treated with professionalism, confidentiality and a sensitivity for the pressure experienced by performers with voice issues.
“My first appointment with Karen resulted in me being in floods of tears – not in a bad way I hasten to add – within 10 minutes of meeting and listening to me she made me open up to her and explain all my fears and worries about losing my voice. Karen then went onto explain and assure me that these could be rectified within a few sessions”– PC
"Karen has been so very wonderful to work with. I was referred to Karen when struggling with some vocal issues that were rather worrying for me as a professional singer and she instantly put my mind at ease!
Her incredible wealth of knowledge paired with such a kind and caring approach has been amazing.
My voice is back in full health thanks to her and I highly recommend anyone wanting to to improve their vocal technique to work with Karen! She’s great!!"-NH